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Frequently Asked Questions


Click LOGIN in the top menu bar of the website, then enter your email address and password. The password field is case sensitive. Once complete, click 'Start Studying' and you'll be taken straight into your subscription.


Click LOGIN in the top menu bar of the website, then click the 'Forgotten password?' link, which will generate an automatic email. If you don’t receive a new password, please check your junk/spam folders.


Check that the email address you've entered is the one linked to your Pastest account. If you don't receive a reset password email, please check your junk/spam folders. It may also be the case that your account has been blocked due to too many failed login attempts. Contact us if you do not receive a reset password email.


Your email and password must match exactly with the details you registered with us. The password field is case sensitive, and symbols such as @ may appear on different keys depending on the computer you are using. If you have copied and pasted the password, please double check it does not add an additional space at the beginning or end. If you would like to reset your password, please click the 'Forgotten password?' link in the menu bar.


Log in to your account and click on the menu button, followed by 'My Account'.


Contact us using the email address currently linked to your account with details of the email address you'd like it to be changed to. If you are unable to access this email account, get in touch with our customer service team who will need to verify your identity by asking you some security questions before changing your email address.